So, What comics did you buy this week?

comics rock. talk about them here. now. or just go to the "corn" section and wack off. i'll understand. i'll just sit here and read my spider-man comics.

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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

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anarky wrote:Is Mimic still exactly like Wolverine? Remember the story in MCP where it turns out he was wounded in Canada after his last run-in with the X-Men, and he couldn't control his powers, so absorbing Wolverine's powers (as he was involved in Incredible Hulk 181 not far away) along with gamma radiation from Hulk made him pretty much turn into a physical duplicate of Wolvie?
Mimic was part of Norman Osborn's Dark X-Men team. He's permanently got the Original Five's powers from copying them so much, and can copy other mutants' powers temporarily.
jjreason wrote:I can't generate any motivation to get to the store. My next visit will be fcbd at which I'll clear out my bin, sigh, go home & file books that I have no interest reading. I think I'm near the end for new books (yet again).
I'm getting there. I've been dropping a lot of Marvel's $3.99 books. Captain America, Secret Avengers, Hulk, Thor, and now Wolverine since Aaron left.
The only books I feel are essential to get are the IDW Transformers and GIJoe books because their print runs are ridiculously small.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by Diabolical »

Batman: The Dark Knight #8 - Batman stops Mad Hatter who's making people go nuts and kill themselves. An obvious fill-in with Night of the Owls next issue.

Daredevil #11 - What a waste of fuckin' time The Omega Effect was.

A Game of Thrones #7 - Kinda wondering why I'm still buying this, having read the book and watched the first season...

Star Wars: Bloodties #1 - I guess I needed a reminder why I don't read Star Wars comics anymore.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by jjreason »

I actually went & cleared my bin out this week after a fight with the old lady - needed to get out of the house. Game of Thrones 7 - yeah, I was pretty sure we had passed this point in the series? It's moving slowly for sure. 6 issues of GI Joe to catch up on, and that's BY FAR not the furthest behind I am on reading. Ugh.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by anarky »

Cinderella: Fables Are Forever. Haven't decided if Dorothy's master plan is fucking sick or just kinky.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by Rollo Tomassi »

Yet another week of 12 books.

Age of Apocalypse 3. The humans infiltrate the Mutants Weapon Omega program. SugarMan and Dark Beast resurrect Havok. Donald Pierce tracks down Bruce Banner, who is in hiding.

Amazing Spidey 685. Ends of the Earth continues. Waiting to read.

Avengers Academy 29. AvX tie in. After the Avengers route the X-Men in AvX 3, the students left on Utopia are brought to Avengers Academy, where there's endless speeches about how they aren't "prisoners" or "hostages". Yeah. Sure.

AvX 3. Scott and the X-Men escape. Hope rigs a doohickey to confuse Cerebra from finding her, sending 5 different Avengers teams to Wundagore, Tabula Rasa, Latveria, Wakanda, and the Savage Land. Onboard a quinjet, Cap fights Wolverine for trying to kill Hope last issue. Then Cap pushes him out of the quinjet. :shock: :roll:

Daredevil 12. An excellent issue that cleanses the taste of OEs limpness last issue. Matt takes ADA Kirsten McDuffie on a date and tells a wonderful story about how he and Foggy became friends in college. Fantastic issue.

Exiled oneshot. Beginning of a crossover between Journey into Mystery and New Mutants.

GIJoe ARAH 178. Snake Eyes and Baroness lead BATS against the Blue Ninjas. Cobra Commander comes face to face with the bastard who killed Billy.

Iron Man 516. Tony Stark quits as Iron Man!!

Scarlet Spider 4. I missed last issue. Apparently Belladonna(Gambit's ex-wife) and her assassins' guild are unhappy with Kaine and try to kill him.

X-Factor 235. Somebody is killing superhero wannabes in Oregon. X-Factor investigates.

WaX-Men:A/O 5. Wolverine and Armor finally break out of Quentin's mindfuck. Logan asks Quentin to help him build up his psychic defenses.

Pointless X-Men 28. Needed to round up to a dozen books, so I checked in with Gischler's team. Pixie fights some skrulls leftover from the invasion a few years ago. They're just trying to get off the planet. Guest starring the FF and Spidey.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by anarky »

Rollo Tomassi wrote:Iron Man 516. Tony Stark quits as Iron Man!!
I guess it has been a year or so, right?
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by RoIIo Tomassi »

anarky wrote:
Rollo Tomassi wrote:Iron Man 516. Tony Stark quits as Iron Man!!
I guess it has been a year or so, right?
Closer to thirty, but yeah.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by RoIIo Tomassi »

I scanned AvX 3 with the AR App. A couple of time lapse shots of JRJrs art going from pencil to ink to color. Yawn.
A short video from Ed Bru explaining the Cap/Wolvie fight had different people in it but editorial made Ed change it because those characters were elsewhere and Ed doesn't bother reading story synopses. Ed's a mumbler.

But the best part was a video from an actual Orthopedic Surgeon explaining what would really happen if Wolverine fell 10,000 ft out of a Quinjet. She explains that although his Adamantium wouldn't be affected, the bones inside would splinter like kindling. His organs would all burst upon impact. And his brain inside his adamantium skull would puddle. By far the best and funniest thing about the issue.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

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12 books seems to be my new standard. I can't seem to cut it to eight without regretting it down the road.

Amazing Spidey:Parallel Lives Reprint of the Gerry Conway GN from 1989. Follows MJs life as she watches Peter become a hero. It was quite controversial back in the day, because it revealed MJ saw Pete as Spidey the night his Uncle was murdered. So she knew the entire time.

Avenging Spidey 7. Spidey teams up with SheHulk as adorable little kittens rampage through New York City. Awwww, they're so cute!

Avengers Assemble 3. The secret big bad behind the new Zodiac is revealed. It's--hey, Bendis must've seen the end credits of the movie! Because the villain is The Proprietor of a SHAWARMA RESTAURANT!! :shock: (No, I'm kidding. It's ol' purple puss. Sadly he didn't bring his 'copter because that would've been awesome.)

New Avengers 26. An AvX tiein. The secret history of the Iron Fist Phoenix from centuries ago continues. Guest starring Leonardo DaVinci. The cover is misleading. At no point do Danny Rand or Hope show up in the comic.

Captain America 11. After skipping the last few issues, I tried out the new arc. Scourge is back, killing super criminals in Witness Protection.

Captain America & Hawkeye 630. Ohmigod! Remember the dinosaurs from last issue? Guess who's leading them?!? I'll give you a hint. This is anarky's favorite comic EVAH!! Because it's got his favorite hero AND favorite villain in THE SAME ISSUE! And at the end Cap turns into a dinosaur!!(add that to the list of creatures he's turned into Were-Cap etc)

GIJoe 13. Scarlett leads an underfunded, unsanctioned team on an assault, and they all get kidnapped by Mindbender. Dumbasses. Lovesick puppy Mainframe sneaks after them instead of staying at base where he'd be more useful. Double dumbass.

Punisher 11. Detective Bolt reveals he's been slipping Castle intel while being debriefed on an incident where the Punisher saved a bunch of New Yorkers from D-List villain Black Talon and his voodoo zombie hordes in Times Square. Two in the chest, hell yeah Frank!

Scarlet Spider 5. The Watchdog's(that fictitious right wing bigot group in the Marvel U that somehow became real in our. They're called TeaBaggers) sneaks a nuke across the Mexican Border to prove it ain't well protected and try to blow up Houston. Kaine and one of Houston's Finest stop the bomb with seconds to spare. Also, Phil"Cheese"Coulson and Marcus Johnson(I refuse to use his other name) show up! Because Yost writes this and BattleScars.

Journey Into Mystery 637. Part 2 of the JiM/New Mutants x-over. Haven't read it yet.

WaX-Men 10. AvX tie in. Cyclops and his team show up at the school. He and Logan have a long ideologue. Cyclops convinces Rachel and Iceman to rejoin Team Cyclops.

X-Men Legacy 266. Fresh from lacing up their Jackboots, Falcon, Shulk, and Moon Knight show up at the schoo to make sure nobody else "joins Team Cyclops". Frenzy goads Moon Knight into a fight, which escalates. Some of the students get attacked by Shulk "accidentally" which pisses Rogue off. Things escalate from there!! Awesome comic! Next issue Rogue kicks Iron Man's ass!
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by anarky »

American Vampire Volume II: This book is awesome. If you are not reading it, you should be. I don't care for all the stuff I'm reading about Snyder doing to my favorite crazy vigilante who dresses like a flying mammal, but, again, this book is awesome.

Also, I was given a copy of American Virgin Volume I. One of my bros-in-law had gotten it from a friend who does some sort of comic work and got it free (though he's not clear exactly what comic work the guy's done, though I know he's not totally BS'ing it here). But he doesn't read comics, and found it when he moved, so he gave it to the one other guy he knows who does read them. Haven't read it yet, though.

I actually did not realize until posting this that both my newest comics are Vertigo titles that start with the word "American."
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

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I can't stand Steven Seagle. Thus I can't stand American Virgin.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by Rollo Tomassi »

16 books this week.

Amazing Spidey:Ends of the Earth oneshot. Didn't read it. Some sort of tie-in with Union Jack and Big Hero Six.

Atomic Robo:Real Science Adventures 2. Awesomeness stapled in the middle and folded in half. And only $2.75!!

AvX 4. A sorry mess with an incoherent narrative that jumps all over the place. A mere two issues after Logan tries killing Hope, she teams up with him to get to the moon. Where the A's and the X's fight again. And the Phoenix shows up at the end. JRJr's art is HORRIBLE in this.

AvX Versus 2. Cap beats Gambit in a well choreographed fight by McNiven. And Spidey runs away from Collosonaut. Which they count as a Juggy win. So, after two issues, A-3, X-1

Avengers 26. AvX tie in. The Avengers Space team gets beat up by the Pheonix in space. Then Thor figures out how to clip its Wong with his hammer. Then Noh-Varr betrays the team for the Kree Supreme Intelligence.

Avengers Academy 30. AvX tie in. The Academy kids wrestle with whether holding minority children against their will in a hastily prepared internment camp is good or bad. (Hint. It's bad. Fuck you, Avengers.)

Daredevil 13. DD tricks Megacrime into thinking the Omega Drive was stolen by having the New Avengers dress up as Black Spectre agents. Then DD gets teleported to Latveria.

Fantastic Four 605.1. A Point One issue. The secret origin of the Council of Reeds. A Reed from an Earth where the Nazis won WWII takes over, then subsequently destroys, his Earth with the help of an Infinity Gauntlet. Then he decides he needs to "Fix Everything". And so the Council is born.

Incredible Hulk 7.1. A Point One issue. I haven't read the last couple Hulk issues, but apparently Hulk killed Banner with a Gamma Bomb last issue. And now he's lonely. Then Hulk and Red She Hulk fight and then fuck in the middle of the street in some major metropolitan area. And when he wakes up post coitus, he's Banner. Oye. I'm glad I dropped this. (Although that next story arc with the Punisher looks bitchin'. Dammit)

Iron Man 517. Tony removed the Extremis solution from his body and tells the US Govt to fuck off. The new Iron Man shows up on the last page.

New Mutants 42. Part 3 of Exiled crossover. Didn't read it.

Scalped 58. Waiting. Only 2 issues to go.

Thunderbolts 174. In order to fix the reality paradox he created by killing his past self, Fixer voluntarily takes over as his dead past counterpart, thus entering a convoluted infinite loop resolution. This is the "FINAL ISSUE" as the series gets renamed Dark Avengers next issue. Don't know if I'll continue with the series.

Winter Soldier 5. Bucky, Black Widow and Dr. Doom stop Latveria's entire nuclear arsenal from getting launched. Whew.

X-Factor 236. A goon from the Mojoverse named Scattershot(hey. Wasn't that the name of a storyline from the X-Annuals back in the 90s?) attacks Shatterstar.

Uncanny X-Men 12 556. An AvX tie in. Namor, Sunspot, and Hepzibah fight Thing, Luke Cage, and SheHulk(continuity fart! SheHulk is jack booting it over at the Westchester school. She can't be in two places!) in Tabula Rasa. Keiron Gillen writes a hilariously arrogant Namor as Marvel's ultimate man whore. And Namor also uses an unconscious Luke Cage as a cudgel against Shulk and Thing. This episode is made of win. 10x better than the main AvX book.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by anarky »

After the ship date was moved forward, then way the hell back, then forward again, I got a notice just now that Atomic Robo Vol. 6 shipped today! I should have it by the end of the week.

Sweet. :)

Any idea how they're going to handle Science Adventures (or whatever the spinoff is) in paperback form? Just separate paperbacks, I'd assume, but I've heard nothing.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by Rollo Tomassi »

Hey! Only 8 books this week. But I made up for it by digging a dozen books out of the 50 cent box.

Amazing Spidey 686. Ends of the Earth Part 5. Still waiting to read it.

Captain America 12. The new Scourge is revealed...Dennis Dunphy!!

Captain America/Hawkeye 631. Hawkeye turns DinoCap normal with a sonic arrow. Then they and Stegron team up to fight the Dire Wraiths who've inhabited the dead bodies of a extinct Dino race.

Fantastic Four 606. The Four travel to an exotic world to destroy a mountainous blob creature...which turns out to be a cancer tumor in Willie Lumpkin. Hey, remember when they introduced Willi Lumpkin, Willie's hot ass jailbait daughter or niece or whatever? Whatever happened to her?

Cobra 13. With the Joes budget slashed, they turn to an unlikely benefactor to fund their new black ops division off the books. Tomax! Flint, Lady Jaye, Chameleon, Ronin, Firewall working out of a Las Vegas casino. Their first mission? A man who knows more about the history of Cobra than anyone else alive. Who is it? The son of the first Cobra Commander...(when God closes a door, he opens a window)

Journey into Mystery 638. Exiled Part 4. Waiting to read it.

Transformers MTMTE 5. Ratchet and his team race to find a cure for the rust disease, and uncover shady dealings in the process.

Astonishing X-Men 50. SnakeEyes didn't come out this week like it was supposed to, so I got this to round up to 8 books. You may have seen it plastered all over the news. Northstar proposes to Kyle.

And from the 50 cent box, 4 DCnU books (Batman 6, Capt Atom 6, Teen Titans 4,6)
Finished off a 1991 Brave & Bold miniseries.
Defenders 2,3 from the new Fraction series.
Doctor Voodoo 2.
A Batman LotDK Annual
And Excalibur 12. Only need 9,10,11 to finish.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by anarky »

Rollo Tomassi wrote:Cobra 13. With the Joes budget slashed, they turn to an unlikely benefactor to fund their new black ops division off the books. Tomax! Flint, Lady Jaye, Chameleon, Ronin, Firewall working out of a Las Vegas casino. Their first mission? A man who knows more about the history of Cobra than anyone else alive. Who is it? The son of the first Cobra Commander...(when God closes a door, he opens a window)
Please, God, tell me I already know his first name.
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