12 books seems to be my new standard. I can't seem to cut it to eight without regretting it down the road.
Amazing Spidey:Parallel Lives Reprint of the Gerry Conway GN from 1989. Follows MJs life as she watches Peter become a hero. It was quite controversial back in the day, because it revealed MJ saw Pete as Spidey the night his Uncle was murdered. So she knew the entire time.
Avenging Spidey 7. Spidey teams up with SheHulk as adorable little kittens rampage through New York City. Awwww, they're so cute!
Avengers Assemble 3. The secret big bad behind the new Zodiac is revealed. It's--hey, Bendis must've seen the end credits of the movie! Because the villain is The Proprietor of a SHAWARMA RESTAURANT!!

(No, I'm kidding. It's ol' purple puss. Sadly he didn't bring his 'copter because that would've been awesome.)
New Avengers 26. An AvX tiein. The secret history of the Iron Fist Phoenix from centuries ago continues. Guest starring Leonardo DaVinci. The cover is misleading. At no point do Danny Rand or Hope show up in the comic.
Captain America 11. After skipping the last few issues, I tried out the new arc. Scourge is back, killing super criminals in Witness Protection.
Captain America & Hawkeye 630. Ohmigod! Remember the dinosaurs from last issue? Guess who's leading them?!? I'll give you a hint. This is anarky's favorite comic EVAH!! Because it's got his favorite hero AND favorite villain in THE SAME ISSUE! And at the end Cap turns into a dinosaur!!(add that to the list of creatures he's turned into Were-Cap etc)
GIJoe 13. Scarlett leads an underfunded, unsanctioned team on an assault, and they all get kidnapped by Mindbender. Dumbasses. Lovesick puppy Mainframe sneaks after them instead of staying at base where he'd be more useful. Double dumbass.
Punisher 11. Detective Bolt reveals he's been slipping Castle intel while being debriefed on an incident where the Punisher saved a bunch of New Yorkers from D-List villain Black Talon and his voodoo zombie hordes in Times Square. Two in the chest, hell yeah Frank!
Scarlet Spider 5. The Watchdog's(that fictitious right wing bigot group in the Marvel U that somehow became real in our. They're called TeaBaggers) sneaks a nuke across the Mexican Border to prove it ain't well protected and try to blow up Houston. Kaine and one of Houston's Finest stop the bomb with seconds to spare. Also, Phil"Cheese"Coulson and Marcus Johnson(I refuse to use his other name) show up! Because Yost writes this and BattleScars.
Journey Into Mystery 637. Part 2 of the JiM/New Mutants x-over. Haven't read it yet.
WaX-Men 10. AvX tie in. Cyclops and his team show up at the school. He and Logan have a long ideologue. Cyclops convinces Rachel and Iceman to rejoin Team Cyclops.
X-Men Legacy 266. Fresh from lacing up their Jackboots, Falcon, Shulk, and Moon Knight show up at the schoo to make sure nobody else "joins Team Cyclops". Frenzy goads Moon Knight into a fight, which escalates. Some of the students get attacked by Shulk "accidentally" which pisses Rogue off. Things escalate from there!! Awesome comic! Next issue Rogue kicks Iron Man's ass!