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Re: GIJoe

Post by jjreason »

I think if you want quality time with Larry Hama, you should book yourself a trip to Canada when they're having the Joe Con again. He actually attended either last year or the year before and I can GUARANTEE there would only have been hundreds (if that) of fans there as opposed to the however many thousand would have appeared in SD.
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Re: GIJoe

Post by anarky »

Difference is, everyone at JoeCon knows who he is. And worships him, even if they don't like him, for pretty much single-handedly creating ARAH.

At Comic-Con, no one knows who he is. I saw him strolling around a few times. He was at the Hasbro booth at one point, and someone asked if he worked on the GIJoe line. Being something of a smartass, he said something to the effect of he'd written some of the comics. The guy didn't care about someone who did comics--yeesh, comics at Comic-Con?

Thing that fucking sucks--I think it was two years ago, guess who put in an unannounced (until they had the booth schedule up on Thursday) appearance at the DK booth on Sunday. Simon Furman. Who's never at US cons. Aside from the whole "creating" thing, he is to Transformers what Hama is to Joe (though he's in serious danger of losing his "best writer of the property ever" part of that status).
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Re: GIJoe

Post by anarky »

Got and read Cobra Command Vol. 2 today. It's much better than the first. Dixon seems to swing back and forth that way for some reason. If I'd have any idea what was going on, I'd read every other paperback he releases. I'm expecting Aftermath to be awful (though I assume it has that Special or Annual or whatever it is that's supposed to make me actually like Krake finally).

Help me out on a couple of things, though.

Krake mentions Zartan; he's in the picture. We see Baroness, Destro, Bludd, Tomax, Serpentor, and Storm Shadow. I know from solicitations that Mindbender is still around, even if he's not in this arc. Are Crystal Ball and Croc Master still in the picture?

And, bigger, and confusing as fuck because there's one minor detail from the early Cobra volumes that's eluding me and would probably clear this shit up quickly:

Jinx I was Chuckles' contact to Hawk. He had to kill her to maintain cover.
Erika la Tene, the woman I got mixed up with Baroness a few times early on, defected and is currently Chameleon II.
Jinx II was sent to find Chuckles' whereabouts. She was referred to as Chameleon I (they may not have officially called her Jinx). Now she's on her own, calling herself "Ronin"? What did I miss? What am I forgetting? I thought she was dead as well.
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Re: GIJoe

Post by RoIIo Tomassi »

Yeah, that confused me as well. Especially since Jinx, LaTene, and Ronin are short black haired, vaguely Asian chicks. To be honest, I'm still confused.

Crystal Ball has shown up somewhere, but I forget where. Was it Infestation 2?
Croc Master has not shown up to my knowledge.
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Re: GIJoe

Post by anarky »

I thought Croc Master was dead in Cobra I until he showed up in Cobra II (or III).

I kept getting Jinx, Jinx/Chameleon/Ronin, LaTene/Chameleon, and Baroness confused as hell in Cobra, because the artist was more abstract and less into likenesses. I only figured Ronin was Chameleon when Mainframe called her Chameleon in one issue, and she called herself Ronin in the next. I honestly thought she was dead.

I'm going to guess the mysterious DNA evidence is regarding the guy I'll call "Billy."
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Re: GIJoe

Post by RoIIo Tomassi »

You don't have to call him "Billy" in quotes.
His name is William Kessler-Latta, but he prefers Billy.
His adopted father was Christopher Latta III, who died 10 years ago.
That's a nice touch. Kudos to Mike Costa on that.
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Re: GIJoe

Post by anarky »

Nicely done, indeed, Costa. I was only calling Billy in a theoretical sense since I wasn't aware his name had been revealed yet.
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Re: GIJoe

Post by RoIIo Tomassi »

anarky wrote:Nicely done, indeed, Costa. I was only calling Billy in a theoretical sense since I wasn't aware his name had been revealed yet.
Cobra 15 came out today. It also has LaTene(who they're calling Chameleon) beating the shit out of Firefly.
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Re: GIJoe

Post by anarky »

Firefly still a fat black dude?

They seem to pick and choose what in Hearts & Minds is canon.

Truth is, if I'd had any idea that it'd be at the Borders closing sales in massive numbers, being one of the only comics to still be sitting around when the books got to 80% off, I'd have not bought it.
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Re: GIJoe

Post by Rollo Tomassi »

He's black.
I attribute him being fat to having been unfortunately drawn by Chaykin.

Chaykin himself is not fat faced, so I don't understand why he insists on drawing everyone with the biggest, fattest chin faces of all time.
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Re: GIJoe

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The Mainframe/Scarlett thing is only partially annoying because Dixon is resorting to the Sullen Jock/Pretty Girl/Nerdy Guy love triangle cliche, and making the nerdy guy get the girl.
But at the same time, SE/Scarlett have almost gotten to the Gambit/Rogue levels of tediousness in their relationship. Nate can only keep his feelings closed off for so long before he starts coming off like a doucher. It's like Scarlett fell for a guy with Autism.
So in that respect, I'm down with Dixon moving things around on the chessboard so to speak. Even if its that twat Mainframe.
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Re: GIJoe

Post by anarky »

Like I said, I only object to Mainframe and Helix because they're both Mary Sues of a class Dixon doesn't generally sully his work with. I'd say they should hop in Drift and have a fatal accident, except Drift has actually been somewhat likable post-AHM.

Helix is the most talkative idiot savant in history, and the MF/Scarlett thing can only work if it leads to tension with Snake Eyes and Dial-Tone. Frankly, I'm not sure anyone at IDW is thinking that far ahead on any of their licensed properties.
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Re: GIJoe

Post by RoIIo Tomassi »

I think that's part of why I'm okay with it. The talk Scarlett eventually has with Snake.
"Yeah, I fucked Mainframe! And I liked it! I went ass to mouth! YOURE NEVER AROUND you sonofabitch!"
"This is what I'm talking about. I'm trying to open up. Share my feelings. And you clam up. AGAIN."
"Fuck you, Nate. We're through."
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Re: GIJoe

Post by anarky »

I'd be more looking forward to Dial-Tone kicking Mainframe's ass.
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Re: GIJoe

Post by Ran »

I've had a Sony PSP for a few years now and just realized you can download comics on it. I got 3 free comics: GI Joe #0, A Real American Hero #155, and GI Joe: Cobra #1.

#0 was kind of confusing at first because I couldn't tell who anyone was by appearance.

#155 was probably the best of the 3. Now I know who Billy is. They made the Baroness hotter, too.

The Chuckles story seems interesting. I really need to order those next few books so I can continue with the series.
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