So, What comics did you buy this week?

comics rock. talk about them here. now. or just go to the "corn" section and wack off. i'll understand. i'll just sit here and read my spider-man comics.

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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by anarky »

Transformers: Robots in Disguise Vol. 1

Holy shit, the three best-written comics currently being published are fucking Transformers comic books! And all straight-up G1, too.

Really loving how the team is setting this up, with Prowl being a quasi-villain (him taking out Bombshell and the Constructicons was fucking hardcore, especially given his investigation into Scrapper's death back on Earth), guys like Dirge and Sky-Byte being victims, and Starscream, of all 'Bots, sort of becoming a Julius Caesar type here--not exactly a hero, and definitely in it for the power, but, at the same time, it's tough not to respect--if not like--him. (Can't help but wonder if there's some more Roman significance to Bumblebee, Metalhawk, and Starscream forming a sort of triumvirate here, particularly with Bumblebee and Metalhawk being uneasy allies and Starscream almost taking a protege role to Metalhawk... the book is too well-written for me to dismiss it as chance.)

Amazing. Any of you reading comics and not following the three ongoing (okay, 20.5 issue maxi-series in the case of ReGeneration One) Transformers series are missing out. These are so far beyond what anyone would normally expect from a "licensed toy comic."
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by anarky »

From Amazon:

Transformers: Autocracy
Transformers Classics UK Vol. 3 (I haven't read any of these volumes yet, but it looks like they're on Target 2006 now)

From an actual store:

Muppets #1
Transformers ReGeneration 1 #82 (retro cover)

I went to one store in Vegas about an hour after they opened. They were already out of TFRGO 82. But the guy gave me directions to a competitor, when I told him I wouldn't be around long enough to have it transferred from their other location. I picked up the Muppets comic for A. Jr since there was no way I was going to leave empty-handed after he was that helpful. Went to the other place, and they had one left--thankfully, the one I wanted, but, hey, would anyone complain about getting the Wildman cover?

I hope retailers are taking note of this.

Spoiler-laden comments to follow in the appropriate thread.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by Rollo Tomassi »

20 books from the past two weeks. 10 from last week, 10 from this week. Here we go.

Amazing Spidey 690. While Spidey continues to beat Morbius silly all up and down Manhattan, the Lizard is turning everyone at Horizon into lizards.

Captain America 15. Some silly political pundit(like a Stupid Rush Limbaugh, oh wait that's redundant) is saying Cap should step down because yeah he might've saved the world from alien invasions and giant Nazi robots in the past month alone, but the economy sucks and clearly that's within Captain America's purview. And Cap gets all mopey about it. Jaesus, what a stupid issue.

Cap/Iron Man 634. Cap and Iron Man fight Batroc and his team of hooligans.

FF 20. Lots of little things happen that move the bigger plot forward. Future Franklin and Val spend time with their younger selves. BlackBolt puts his house in order. Johnny sends Annihilus back to the NZ to rule.

Snake Eyes/Stormshadow 15. Snake tries to kill Zartan. Zartan tries to kill Krake. But Krake is smarter than everybody. Everybody else plays checkers, he's playing chess.

Transformers: ReGen 81. Holy Shit! What the hell happened to Earth?!? Man, that is BEYOND effed up!

Transformers MTMTE 7. I cannot believe how awesome and amazing this series is.

Winter Soldier 8. The thawed out sleeper agent continues his sinister machinations to kidnap and brainwash Natasha...and turn her back into a ballerina? YeahBuhWha??

WaX-Men 14. AvX tie in. Colossus takes Kitty on a date. And she realizes he's batshit crazy.

X-Men Legacy 270. AvX tie in. After defeating Ms Marvel last issue, Rogue drops her off in Magik's limbo prison. Then Rogue realizes Magik is batshit crazy and tries to rescue Carol. It doesn't end well.


Avenging Spidey 10. Spidey and the newly minted Captain Marvel save Boston from a giant android who thinks she's a super hero and the private security mechs who want to destroy her.

Avengers Academy 34. That smug little bastard Jeremy Briggs fixes Hazmat and Mettle so they can make out. Then he reveals his evil master plan to shut off everyone's powers. Who didn't see that coming?

Avengers 28. AvX tie in. General Thundebolt Ross swims to Utopia with the intention of assassinating Cyclops(because that's how heroic Avengers roll, yo) but he gets discovered by Emma Frost and the Red Hulk ends up getting the ass beating of all time by the PheoniX-Men.

AvX 9. The Avengers head to Magik's Limbo volcano prison to rescue their teammates. They get their asses handed to them. Except for Spider-Man, who uses Reverse Psychology on Colossus and Magik to get them to fight each other and burn out their Pheonix powers in the process. So fucking stupid.

Daredevil. Ant-Man, Tony Stark, and Doc Strange reverse the effects of the Latverian nanobots. And Foggy finds Matt's Father's dead carcass in Matt's desk. So he fires Matt from the firm.

Hawkeye 1. Sketchy first issue by Fraction and Aja. Clint buys his apartment building from some Russian gangsters. And gets a dog. Pretty weak issue.

Iron Man 522. Stark continues to build WMDs for the Mandarin. And a HUGE RETCON for the origin of the Mandarin's rings. They're basically Infinity Rings now.

Peter Parker, Spider-Man 156.1 A series of "Point One" oneshots celebrating Spidey's 50th Anniversary. This one is written by Roger Stern and was pretty good.

Transformers:ReGen 82. The original TF continues to boggle the mind.

X-Factor 241. The beginning of a five part arc that promises to shatter X-Factor. This issue, the soulless Strong Guy quits the team.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by anarky »

Got Classic G.I. Joe Vol. 15 and Scalped Vol. 9 in the mail.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by Diabolical »

2 weeks ago:

Batman: The Dark Knight #11 - Batman searches for Gordon, who has been abducted by Scarecrow.

Before Watchmen: Comedian #2 - The Comedian heads to 'Nam.

Last week:

Avengers Vs X-men #9 - Spidey gets his ass whooped in a comic apparently written by a 12-year-old.

Batman: Detective Comics #12 - The conclusion of the Mr. Toxic story and a back up about Joker's skinned face.

Before Watchmen: Nite Owl #2 - Nite Owl and Rorschach have a brief falling out over a nude dominatrix named Twilight Lady.

The Boys #69 - The heartbreak continues. 2 issues left.

Daredevil #16 - After Iron Man, Dr. Strange and Ant Man heal DD, Foggy fires Matt from the firm 'cus Matt's been storing his dad's dead body in a drawer.

Fury: My War Gone By #5 - Fury head to Cuba with orders to assassinate Castro. Things don't go according to plan.

IZombie #28 - Final issue. Xitalu has arrived and is about to kill everyone and only Gwen can stop it by sacrificing everyone she knows and loves.

This week:

Batman #20 - An electrical whiz decides she can help Batman.

Batman & Robin #12 - The Terminus story comes to a close in Avengers/Dark Knight Rises style (only far less thrilling), and the Damian beating the shit out of the former Robins peters out in 2 panels.

Batman: Arkham Unhinged #5 - The backstory of the Abramovich twins.

Batgirl #12 - Batgirl fights Batwoman (no girl-on-girl action), then they team up and fight *ugh* Knightfall.

Before Watchmen: Ozymandias #2 - Ozymandias takes down a drug ring, then tries to figure what ever happened to Hooded Justice, only to come face to face with The Comedian.

Dardevil Annual #1 - Or "$5 Waste Of Time And Paper Annual #1"

Space: Punisher #2 - The four-armed Hulk shows up and saves Frank from Sabretooth, Deadpool and Leader. Frank then tracks Doc Ock to the front of his spaceship until he gets the info he wants.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by anarky »

Got a Gold Box offer on Saga Vol. 1 (one of my high school friends who got into comics bigtime after college says it's the best thing he's reading, but that's obviously because I've not convinced him to check out ReGeneration One yet). It was eligible for the 4-for-3 promotion on Amazon, so I ordered a book for Anarky Jr, as well as Ex Machina Vol. 1 and Chew Vol. 1, since I've heard good things about both (and have a few later volumes of Ex Machina that I found at Borders closings).
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by Diabolical »

Avengers vs X-Men #10 - Hope uses the powers of...ummm, Godzilla (?) and kicks Cyclops ass.

Before Watchmen: Rorschach #1 - Rorschach kicks some ass, then gets his ass kicked. From Azzarello and Bermejo, the team that did that cool Joker GN a few years back.

Catwoman #12 - Selina stops Dollhouse with a little help from Batman.

Daredevil #17 - Mike Allred art. Meh story.

Fatale #7 - I'm going to have to sit a reread the series. I always forget what happened in the previous issue(s).
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by Rollo Tomassi »

Two dozen books from the past two weeks. 16 the first week, 8 the second. Plus some recent goodies out of the 10 for $5 bin. Here we go.

Atomic Robo: Flying She Devils...2. ha ha! Hot damn--nope. I'm not gonna tell you. You aren't worthy.

Atomic Robo: Real Science Adventures 5. The GOP wants to outlaw things this awesome. Vote Democrat in Nov.

New Avengers 29. AvX tie in. Captain America reconvenes the Illuminati (wtf? Hypocrite.) in hopes of reaching out to his former WWII ally, Namor, who is now a PheoniX-Man.

Avengers Assemble 6. The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy take their fight against Thanos into space and best up some of his badoon thugs.

Captain America 16. Some Rush Limbaugh doucher wannabe convinces all of America that Cap is a toolbag and they gang up and beat him up. Bru is going out on a weaksauce story.

Cap/Iron Man 635. Cap and Tony stop a nanotech virus from falling into badguys' hands.

Daredevil Annual 1. (this would be the third "First" annual hes had btw). Part two of Alan Davis' ClanDestine story. Pretty Davis art, but confusing, uninteresting story. Nobody gives a shit about ClanDestine, Alan.

Fantastic Four 609. Hickman wraps up that atrocious Mark Millar subplot about the future Fantastic Force or Defenders or whatever they were. Hickman does it with style.

Gambit 1. The ragin' Cajun gets his fourth(fifth?) attempt at an ongoing. The story was alright, but Clay Mann's art was fab!

GIJoe ARAH 181. The Joes let some Cobras think they escaped the Pit, so the Joes can track them.

Scarlet Spider 8. Kaine beats up on Texas' very own SuperTeam. Hilarity ensues. This book is surprisingly decent.

Sensational Spidey 33.1 Another one of those Spidey Celebration oneshots. This one by DeFalco and set right after JJJ became mayor. Meh.

Thor 18. First part of the "Everything Burns" crossover with JIM that is ending this chapter of the Thor titles before Marvel NOW! starts. I'm only getting it because I adore JIM. Surtur is back.

Transformers RID 8. Ironhide and the Dinobots head into the wilds of Cybertron to find out what happened to the Aerialbots. And also heaps of political intrigue. Damn fine reading.

Venom 22. Remender's final issue of the series. Got it to round up to 16 books and it was the only $2.99 left. It was average. But coming from Rick, that's astounding.

X-Men Legacy 271. After She failed to save Ms. Marvel last issue, Rogue is caught in a civil war on the alien planet Magik sent her to, and her borrowed Ms. Marvel powers are running out.


Amazing Spidey 691. Spidey finishes his fight with Lizard. But truthfully the best part was the reveal on the last page. I was grinning from ear to ear like I was twelve again. That's why I read comics.

Avengers 29. AvX tie in. Cap tries to recruit Xavier who pusses out halfway through the mission. Also, sadly, wretched Walt Simonson art.

Avengers Academy 35. The students rally after Jeremy Briggs stole their powers last issue. And Hazmat and Mettle make a huge sacrifice for the team. I'm also sad because this series is ending with issue 39.

AvX 10. Okay, they're just making this shit up as they go now.

Daredevil 17. Some kind of flashback story about Foggy and Matt after they just opened their practice. But the important thing is the Mike Allred on art. Just shut up and enjoy the awesome.

GIJoe 16. The team finally escapes the prison/cave place. Finally.

Sensational Spidey 33.2 Part two of that DeFalco story from last weak...oops. I mean week. Freudian slip there.

X-Factor 242. Darwin is trying to kill Rahne's demon wolf baby, but Rahne and Rictor and Shatterstar show up and save him.

I also got Aquaman 8, Batgirl 10, Batman Inc 2, Batwoman 9, Birds of Prey 7, and Catwoman 10 from the New 52 for 50 cents each.

And Secret Avengers 27. AvX tie in.
Dark Avengers 177.
Spider-Men 2. From the new miniseries where 616 Peter and Ultimate Miles team up.
And Wolverine 310. First part of Loeb/Bianchi arc about Sabretoothe coming back from the dead. Also all 50 cents.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by anarky »

Rollo Tomassi wrote:Atomic Robo: Real Science Adventures 5. The GOP wants to outlaw things this awesome. Vote Democrat in Nov.
If Obama gave everyone a free copy of any Atomic Robo comic book and said exactly what you said, every Republican would lose in a landslide, including the ones not up for re-election. Even Ron Paul's followers would abandon him.
Avengers 29.Also, sadly, wretched Walt Simonson art.
I never thought I'd read that sentence. Ever. Even if I were to read the comic and strongly disagree with you, the fact that Simonson produced artwork that made anyone (who's not a Hitler clone) say that makes me very sad.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by RoIIo Tomassi »

I wish I hadn't said it either, but holy cans of Shasta, it was...subpar. I mean, there were glimpses of the Simonson I used to know. A pose here, a face there. But mostly it was just...sad. And the fact the story was kinda crap didn't help.
He's been drawing Avengers for the last few issues (all the AvX tie ins) and his stuff was okay. Not stellar like his Thor/X-Factor/FF days. But good. This issue wasn't.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by anarky »

Next, you're going to be telling me that you read a Chris Claremont book that was poorly-written. Or saw a Star Wars movie, and Lucas just didn't have it anymore. Or that McFarlane and Byrne both retreated into their castles, which are different castles, and only emerge to insult other creators. Christ, you might even say that guy who wrote Arkham Asylum wrote several years worth of drug-induced Batman comics that were too bizarre for words.

Kidding aside, Simonson seemed like someone like Perez or Starlin, who'd be awesome forever with no noticeable decline in quality. Fuck, even JRJR is looking like a parody of himself now.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by RoIIo Tomassi »

If I was more tech savvy, I'd post a page of art from the issue just so's you could say "Holy fuck, that's awful!"

Remember the Heckler? That DC hero from the late 80s/early 90s that had that ridiculously large toothless smile on his mask? That's how big the mouths he was drawing on certain characters were. I just had to shake my head.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by anarky »

Wow. The Heckler was not only intentionally abstract, but that book also hailed from a time when Giffen was drawing more abstractly than his usual style. (Not much different, but slightly more abstract--I hope that makes sense.)

Speaking of which, I read that Giffen is now writing the He-Man book that James Robinson was writing. That actually moves it up from "meh" to "I might actually want to read this." I usually like Giffen, but have no interest in any of the DCnU stuff he's writing now.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by anarky »

anarky wrote:Fuck, even JRJR is looking like a parody of himself now.
Getting off-topic again, but case in point.

If the guy drew like that thirty years ago (which he didn't) and had a different name, Marvel would've laughed him out of the office when he brought in his portfolio. He would've gone to Image, and Rob Liefeld would've laughed at him.

Captain America looks like a girl in some of those pics. More importantly, the characters are all stiff as boards and the storytelling is difficult to follow.

I'll go sip some Chardonnay and thumb through the early issues of Punisher War Zone now, to remind me of how good the guy used to be.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by RoIIo Tomassi »

His Jugger-olossus in AvX is probably the most horrid thing JRJr has ever drawn. Him trying to draw Juggernaut's helmet on Piotr is just pathetic and awkward.
I kinda feel like when these artists were younger, they would spend a few hours on a page to get it looking great. But when they get older, they kinda rest on their laurels so to speak and bang out a page in twenty minutes or so. Then assume their name is gonna be enough to bridge the gap between Great and Mediocre/Crap.
I even feel like that Neal Adams Batman series from last year was off game from his 70s stuff. It didn't suck, but y'know it felt like he was phoning it in. And that First X-Men series he's doing now looks even worse.
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