So, What comics did you buy this week?

comics rock. talk about them here. now. or just go to the "corn" section and wack off. i'll understand. i'll just sit here and read my spider-man comics.

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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by anarky »

Then there's guys like Kirby and (Joe) Kubert who kick ass up until the day they die, but Stan Lee, who's been a professional attention whore for 20 years, lives forever. George Perez is a virtual god still, but who's in danger of losing his eyesight? Andrew Wildman grew artistically by leaps and bounds in two decades, and has a keen enough eye for detail to try to match his old style for a "throwback" book, and 99% of comic fans have no idea who he is.

Don't even get me started on that one fucking millionaire who still can't draw feet.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by RoIIo Tomassi »

Stan Lee has been a professional attention whore for a lot longer than 20 years. But, despite the cracks showing in his carefully maintained public persona, he still oozes unbridled enthusiasm for the entire industry, and his Editorial architecture has inspired half the planet with his (and Jack's and Steve's) characters. Read some of his Soapboxes from the 60s and 70s and imagine growing up with that kind of positivity worming it's way into young minds. Yeah, Stan has some faults to be sure, but he gets a pass in my book.

He will probably be the third man to earn literal tears from me when he passes. Jim Henson and Fred Rogers being the first two.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by anarky »

I gave him 20 years because I thought his run on Ravage 2099 was actually rather good. I won't deny his impact, just that he hasn't done much in two decades that's really worthwhile, and what's he's done has been subpar-looking (I'll admit to not actually biting on any of it) and based more on his name recognition than the actual quality of the work.

Imagine if Amazing Fantasy #15 had a crappy story about a crappy new character, but emblazoned all over the cover that it was by Stan Lee. The MU would not exist today, and some indie publisher would've bought the rights to make new Namor comics.

I love the man, just saying he's a prime example of coasting on your earlier success and apparently being oblivious to "not having it" anymore.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by Rollo Tomassi »

Two weeks worth of books is 28 comics. A dozen last week and 16 this week. Let's get started.
Amazing Spidey 692. Spidey's big 50th Anniversary Issue! Spidey gets a sidekick, a little doucher named Alpha.

Captain America and Namor 635.1. A Point One issue that has Cap and Namor teaming up in WWII to fight some occult or vampires or some shit. Eh. I read it last week and already forgot.

Cobra 16. Ronin and Lady Jaye are ambushed by Cobra assassins. Billy gets shot. Firefly escapes from the hospital where he's being interrogated by Flint.

Danger Girl/GIJoe 2. Only bought it for the cover.

Iron Man 523. Pepper realizes Rhodey might be the mysterious new IM. Her Rescue Armor flips out on her. And Tony and Stane recruit Blizzard into helping them out maneuver Mandarin.

Punisher 14. Frank and Cole's final showdown with The Exchange.

Untold Tales of Punisher MAX 3. Yet another story that's not about Frank, but his name is on the cover because he shows up on the last panel of the last page and kills a fucker.

Scalped 60. FINAL ISSUE. So now I'm waiting to read 37-60 because I'm missing the crucial 50-52 where all the important stuff happens.

Web of Spider-Man 129.1. Spidey reteams with the Brooklyn Avengers to find out who's killing them off. Goofy humor by Stuart Moore and Damion Scott.

Transformers MTMTE 8. Trying to escape the Decepticon Death Squad, the 'Cons release Grimlock Hell on the DDS. Awesomeness ensues.

Uncanny X-Men 17 561. AvX tie in. After Mr. Sinister defeats the Pheonix Five *coughBULLSHITcough* Magneto, Psylocke, and Storm come to their rescue. Then the Pheonix Force kills Sinister.

X-Men Legacy 272. Rogue is on alien world caught between two alien races trying to kill each other.


Avenging Spidey 11. Pete..ermm...'teams up' with Aunt May to go visit Uncle Ben's grave. A quiet reflective issue marred by Steve Dillon's ugly ass art. Everybody looks like Frank Castle. Fuck you, Steve Dillon. Stop drawing.

Dark Avengers 179. Only bought to get up to 16 books. Nothing you would care about happens.

AvX:Versus 5. Hawkeye stabs Angel in the chest with an arrow to escape. Storm and Black Panther get in the mother of all fights. Safe to say their marriage is over.

Captain Marvel 2 and 3. Carol gets sucked back in time to help female pilots on Pacific Island battle Japanese soldier--what the fuck? Isn't that the plot to the latest Atomic Robo series? Minus the time travel?

FF 21. As part of the peace accord between the Inhumans and Kree, Ronan and Crystal must end their marriage. Bittersweet tale of duty over love. I was really rooting for those two. Damn your status quo, Marvel!

Gambit 2. Gambit breaks into a museum for...something.

Snake Eyes/Stormshadow 16. SE and SS break out of Krake's clutches and Riko dies while they're escaping.

Hulk 57. Red Hulk and Alpha Flight beat up a bunch of Mayan Gods. I only got it because it was the final issue. Those are usually bitches to track down later.

New Mutants 47 and 48. After they "fixed" the timeline last issue, the gang realizes they are in a slightly wrong alt reality and need to go back to the future and refix it. The dead Hellions reanimated by the Techno virus show up to stop them. I think the Hellions have now had more appearances since they were killed off than they did when they were alive.

Web of Spider-Man 129.2. The finale of the Brooklyn Avengers story. Spoiler Alert. It was their grumpy landlord. ScoobyDoo called. He wants his plot device back.

Journey into Mystery 642. "Everything Burns" Part 1. Everything Loki has done for the last four brilliant story arcs comes back and bites him in the ass. Hard. This comic is so fucking brilliant. Find the back issues and read them.

Venom 23. Cullen Bunn's first issue as writer. Thought I'd give him a shot. Uhmmm...Hellstrom is a bad guy now? Wtf?

Winter Soldier 9. Brainwashed Black Widow tries to assassinate the First Lady. But it's all a plan to get her back on the Helicarrier where she takes out Sitwell and Nick Fury.

WaX-Men 15. AvX tie in. Too many stories going at once to sum up. But good reading. Worth picking up. I love that Broo is the guy that figured out how to beat the Pheonix.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by RoIIo Tomassi »

Hey, I just noticed. We haven't got a new issue of Game of Thrones in like two months. What's that all about?
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by anarky »

IDW's GIJoe/Transformers Vol. 1 TPB

It sucks balls how they're doing these. All the crossovers (not sure about the Dreamwave one; that may still be in bankruptcy limbo) are simply being reprinted in these volumes, regardless of continuity. Vol. 2 (and presumably 3-4 as well) is the Devil's Due crossover, and, I'm guessing, they're hoping Dreamwave will finally be cleared up for that to be Vol. 5.

So, this contains G.I. Joe & the Transformers 1-4 as well as the G2 crossover from the Joe book proper. This is the only way they're reprinting the original 4-part miniseries, which is quite critical to the classic Transformers series. (Joe, not so much.) But the other story came out less than a year ago in the Classic G.I. Joe paperbacks. Who the fuck wants these two stories that isn't already collecting at least one of the other series already? This fucker was $24.99 (thankfully, Amazon discounts the hell out of stuff and offers free shipping, and gift cards from Swagbucks covered the $16 it wound up costing).

Christ almighty, this is bad stuff. I recall the miniseries not being top of the line, but, holy shit, it's bad. I haven't even read it yet, just skimmed. The writing is rancid. Really, really bad. Thought bubbles all over the place, no one acting in character (and don't even get started on how it came out when the status quos of the regular books were changing, so there are different commanders all over the damned place). Bumblebee's trauma apparently made him sound quite a bit like the cartoon Grimlock, as Goldbug constantly refers to himself in the third person. Just bad.

I've already gone over how bad the second crossover is in the Joe thread. This has all four issues, plus the pages from the preceding issue that featured Megatron and Starscream. Um, hello? You couldn't slap in the handful of pages from the Generation 2 ongoing that featured the Joe team and tied up this mess? Seriously? It's not even a full issue's worth. Someone collecting TF will get that, but someone only collecting Joe will have to buy the Classic Transformers: Generation 2 Vol. 1 paperback that I'll assume would eventually be forthcoming, but probably not for another two or three years at least, to wrap up the cliffhanger ending, and then will be disappointed as fuck to see how lame it is.

Also, the cover is ass. The Classic G.I. Joe cover with Megatron was actually quite badass. The Wildman cover for when Marvel did a paperback of the original crossover was even badasser. But do they use those? No, it's a shitty image of some Joes riding in Bumblebee (or, I guess, more accurately, Goldbug or Gold Bug, whichever he is this week), with G2 Megatron in the background. Oh, and a sign that says "Milleville." Because no one bothered to think, "Hmm, the spelling of this city changes every issue, so maybe it's not the best idea to include it."

I'm glad I got them for completeness' sake, but, shit, they're bad.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by anarky »

Transformers ReGeneration One #83.

I planned to get to the store about a half hour after opening. I figured it'd be a bit crowded right at opening, but I got into town early (as in right as they opened), and just went ahead. I was the third customer in the store.

They had ONE copy on the shelf. (Thankfully, it was the retro cover, so my set of those is uninterrupted. Not that I'd care too much, but it looks cool to have all covers that fit in well with the classic covers.)

Given that two of the 3.5 issues I've gotten have been the last copies on the shelves on release date (and I had to go to two shops for one), and the other 1.5 I got from IDW at Comic-Con, I really fucking hope some stores are paying attention. #84 would be the first issue where they actually had solid sales data when they placed their orders.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by Diabolical »

Two weeks ago:

Batman: The Dark Knight #12 - Captured by Scarecrow, Batman must face his greatest fear (yet again)!

Before Watchmen: Dr. Manhattan #1 - The Doc thinks about himself and goes back in time to his rebirth, but *gasp* it doesn't happen.

The Punisher #14 - Cole-Alves gets her revenge.

Untold Tales of The Punisher Max #3 - or Untold Tales of The Punisher Max Cameos #3

The Rocketeer: Cargo of Doom #1 - Cliff helps out a friend as bad guys smuggle something sinister into the U.S.

Last week:

Batman: Detective Comics Annual #1 - Bats vs Black Mask. Pretty damn dull.

Batman Incorporated #3 - When Batman benches Robin (who ain't dead - *shocker*) the little bastard whips up a new costume - Redbird.

Before Watchmen: Minutemen #3 - Nite Owl and Silhoutte get closer.

This week:

Batman: Detective Comics #0 - And origin tale of sorts, with Bruce learning a final lesson in his pre-Batman training. I've got a feeling that most of these #0 issues will be more-or-less pointless fill-in origin issues.

Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre #3 - Laurie decides to take on a drug kingpin. All of this Before Watchmen stuff actually feels pretty well planned out before they started, unlike the New 52.

The Boys #70 - Hughie begins his final showdown with Butcher. He also trips on a snake-like tit, then sucks on it. Seriously.

The Punisher #15 - Frank and Cole-Alves face off against Poulsen, who calls the cops and opens fire into a crowd, blaming Castle/Cole-Alves. Detectives Clemons and Bolt show up and things get bad.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by DeckardSmith »

So. A punch of pansies in dance unitards beat up a bunch of other fairies in other dance unitards and a bunch of pud tuggers online got all spastic because they think it's real. There. Comics reviewe--


Oh mannnn. That's like cheating or some shit.


Meh. Fine. "The right way." Sheesh. (Dick.)


You were supposed to. Okay. Fine. Here are ten books that got read yesterday. Or whenever.

Amazing Spidey 693. Spider-Man swings around New York and does stupid super hero shi--DO IT RIGHT. Spidey's new sidekick continues to be a tiny doucher, even after the Jackal kidnaps him and his family and Spidey saves them all.

Avengers Academy 36. Mettle and Hazmat have a couple great moments as they sacrifice their happiness to bring down Jeremy Briggs.

GIJoe 17. Scarlett and Helix get into a catfight aboard the new Joe base, the USS Flagg. Scarlett finds out Snake Eyes is still alive, and orders the Joes to hunt him down with Extreme Prejudice. Thus setting up the next story arc.

Hawkeye 2. A fantastic second issue makes up for the first issue as Clint and his new sidekick--er-- Hawkeye steal a bunch of money from theives who were stealing it from major villains like Kingpin and Tombstone.

Iron Man 524. Tony and his small group of recruits ( Stane, Living Laser, Blizzard, and Whirlwind) make their move against Mandarin. Holy smokes, these final three issues are gonna be epic!

Punisher 15. Frank and Rachel get blamed for a massacre as they escape after last issues throwdown with the Exchange. Sets up the War Zone miniseries.

Thor 19. Part 2 of the Everything Burns crossover. The armies of Asgardia head into battle against Surtur's armies. Leah is revealed as the betrayer.

Transformers ReGenOne 83. Spike explains why Earth is all fucked to Hell. Optimus heads for Earth for a showdown with Megatron. Many Decepticons plot in the shadows.

Transformers RID 9. Ironhide looks for Silverbolt and answers in the wilds of Cybertron. Bumblebee attempts to mount a rescue. Decepticons plot in the shadows.

X-Factor 243. At long last, Polaris finds out the truth about how her mother and stepfather died. And I do mean 'at long last'. That subplot's been dangling for DECADES.

There. Happy? Is that "right" enough for you?

Aw mannnnn. Weak.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by DeckardSmith »

*sigh* Stupid Troll makin' me do this stupid funny book crap...
A dozen books from whenever. Last week. Psshh.

AvX 11. All the Avengers and X-Men team up to fight Emma and Cyclops. Xavier has to get all righteous up in Cyke's face like a moron. So Scott takes the rest of the Pheonix Force from Emma and kills Chuckie for being a douchey bitch. Then he goes all Dark Pheonix.

Avenging Spidey 12. A wretched issue guest starring Deadpool(who is NOT an Avenger, so why is he in this "Spidey/Avenger Team-Up book"?) doing their best(worst) rip off of Inception. And the villain at the end turns out to be Hypno Hustler. Comic Book FAIL. On every level.

Captain America 17. Cap continues to be all mopey about America while the country is brainwashed by TV into rioting for like the 70th time. Brubaker is ending his epic run on the weakest note. Sad.

Captain America/Black Widow 636. A BW from another dimension is assassinating Kash Vennemas from other dimensions. Cap is surprised.

Fantastic Four 610. AIM buys their own Island Nation and sets up their own "legitimate" govt. Reed is sent in by the President as the American Ambassador. Also something about The Wizard being crazy and having a clone.

Game of Thrones 10. Catelyn takes Tyrion hostage and sets off for the Vale. Bandits attack and they have to team up to survive.

Scarlet Spider 9. Kaine stops some big blue demon thing from destroying...Texas. Or something.

Journey into Mystery 643. Part 3 of 'Everything Burns'. Loki reverts back to form in a stunning doublecross of Thor. Or does he? Another superb issue.

Transformes MTMTE Annual 2012. Wow. Transformers comics have no business being this hilarious and good. Ultra Magnus smiles.

Winter Soldier 10. A brainwashed Black Widow double crosses everyone on the Helicarrier. Jasper Sitwell is killed, and Nick Fury (the real one) is seriously wounded. Cap and Bucky bring in Hawkeye and Logan to hunt her down. They are surprised to see Bucky is still alive. But not that surprised.

Uncanny X-Men 18. AvX tie in. Taking place simultaneously to AvX 11, provides a much better take on how Cyclops' Pheonix Induced Mind operates while he's being attacked by every Avenger and X-Man ever. Turns out he's concentrating on eating dinner. And the battle is only taking up like 3% of his attention.

WaX-Men 16. AvX tie in. The secret origin of that little prick Kade Kilgore, eight year old leader of the new pre-pubescent Hellfire Club.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by DeckardSmith »

And another nine from this week. Only nine? That seems low. Eh. Whatevs.

Atomic Robo: Flying She Devils of the Pacific 3.
Atomic Robo: Real Science Adventures 6. Look. If you're not reading these books yourself, then you certainly aren't worth me giving you synopsis of how awesome they are. Go screw.

Avengers Academy 37. The end of Final Exam. The students stop Jeremy Briggs' evil plot to depower every Super Hero on the planet. Then Finesse stabs him in the femoral artery and lets the little bitch bleed out.

Daredevil 18. Matt comes home and finds his ex-wife waiting for him. Except Foggy tells him his ex-wife is still in the nuthouse upstate where she should be. Also, Foggy is still pissed at Matt about the whole 'dead father in the drawer' thing.

Cobra 17. Flint goes and chats up his other 'source' of Cobra Intel. Major Bludd. Also: Oktober Guard. Sweet!

New Mutants 49. The NMs fix the alternate timeline problem and kill future Evil Doug.

Punisher MAX 4. Finally, a kickass Punisher story where Frank is executing a bunch of muthahfuckas. The twist at the end is kinda obvious, but who cares? This issue is better than the previous three combined. If this had been a five issue arc instead of just a one and done, it would've been one the most kickass Punisher stories ever. I loved it when he popped the two thugs through the car roof.

Thor 20. Part 4 of 'Everything Burns'. Thor is burning in the fires of Muspelheim and still pissed at Loki's betrayal last issue. Another solid issue.

X-Factor 244. In order to save Lorna's fragile psyche from the truth bomb of last issue, Theresa becomes the new Morrigan.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by Diabolical »

Last week:

Avengers Vs X-Men #11 - I don't think homeboy is really dead. If he is, he'll be back in a few months.

Batman #0 - Pre-Batman Bruce practices disguise and infiltration techniques and Gordon suspects him of having something to do with a new vigilante in Gatham. Meh. The back up is semi-cool. It shows Tim, Jason, Dick and Babs the first time they are all inspired by Batman.

Batgirl #0 - College student Barbara Gordon takes down a criminal while touring the Gotham Police Department. Batman is impressed, Batgirl is born...and that career is summed up in 3 pages. She quits to focus in school until one day, someone knocked at her door...

Batman and Robin #0 - Damien's birth and training. *yawn*

Batman: Arkham Unhinged #6 - Robin goes undercover in Arkham City. Bane and Solomon Grundy fight.

Before Watchmen: Comedian #3 - The Comedian causes trouble during some anti-war riots.

Gamer of Thrones #10 - Jesus, how long is this damn series?

This week:

Before Watchmen: Nite Owl #3 - Nite Owl fucks the dominatrix chick from last issue. Rorschach goes to church and finds something disturbing.

Catwoman #0 - I honestly have no fucking clue. It jumped around time so damn much and didn't make a lick of sense.

Daredevil #18 - Matt's crazy...or is he?

Untold Tales of The Punisher Max #4 - I don't know what the fuck issue you read Rollo, but this was one of the absolute worst Punisher comics I've read in a long time (even taking the previous 3 issues of this series into account). I swear it was a fanfic or written by a teenager. Weak art and a bland, predictable story with some really laughable dialogue ("I don't like people who break families apart. I don't like people who rape little girls."). I'd rather they didn't bother with this series than put out shit like this.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by RoIIo Tomassi »

Diabolical wrote:Gamer of Thrones #10 - Jesus, how long is this damn series?
Doing a rough estimate of the story so far vs where in the novel they're are, I'm guessing it'll be 25-30 issues long. And if they keep lagging behind in their shipping schedule like an Image book, the last issue will hit around the same time as the final season of the TV series...and about a year before the next book drops. HEYO! (I made a funny! Because Fatty takes about a decade to write a bitch.)
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by anarky »

Diabolical wrote:...some really laughable dialogue ("I don't like people who break families apart. I don't like people who rape little girls.")
I dunno. I haven't read the book, but I can totally see Frank saying something so ridiculously over-simplistic like that. Then shooting them.
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Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by Diabolical »

RoIIo Tomassi wrote:
Diabolical wrote:Gamer of Thrones #10 - Jesus, how long is this damn series?
Doing a rough estimate of the story so far vs where in the novel they're are, I'm guessing it'll be 25-30 issues long.
All the more reason to reconsider this book.
anarky wrote:
Diabolical wrote:...some really laughable dialogue ("I don't like people who break families apart. I don't like people who rape little girls.")
I dunno. I haven't read the book, but I can totally see Frank saying something so ridiculously over-simplistic like that. Then shooting them.
Not me. He'd just shoot a mutha in the face and not care if the guy knows why he's being punished.
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