i finally have a chauffeur!

cars are like, the coolest thing besides chicks... in fact, anarky thinks they're cooler than chicks because he's got problems... discuss...

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i finally have a chauffeur!

Post by vynsane »

my daughter got her learner's permit on her birthday last month and she's doing quite well so far with learning how to drive. we've logged 4:19 so far and 1:45 of that at night. apparently the rules in NY are now such that the parents can sign off on 50 hrs of driving, with 15 hrs being required at night, so i have a spreadsheet tallying the start/end times, distance, and logging the skills demonstrated and improvement areas. we have Life360 on our phones, so that makes it easy to grab screenshots of the drives and get the timing. got her on the parkway for about 30 minutes the other day. the missus is very nervous any time she's driving, but i think she's doing a really good job. she also clocked about 30 mins of learning how to drive my car with the manual transmission in the parking lot of the mall after we went Xmas shopping one night. it's been really fun teaching her.
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Re: i finally have a chauffeur!

Post by jjreason »

Very cool. My son is a very competent driver at this point & my daughter (the older one) who has been very tentative about driving has finally taken the plunge & gotten her beginners. I hope she keeps going through the process.
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