So, What comics did you buy this week?

comics rock. talk about them here. now. or just go to the "corn" section and wack off. i'll understand. i'll just sit here and read my spider-man comics.

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So, What comics did you buy this week?

Post by jjreason »

Seen this before? Sorry, but this is dead over at the other place,
and to be honest the only people I care to hear from on this topic
is you guys. Here's my list for January 2nd:

Spidey/Black Cat 4,5
New Avengers 14
Amazing 527 (the Other part 9)
Daredevil 80
Giant Size X-Men 4
FF 532 (which I had missed)
FF Special (One Shot)
All Star Batman and Robin 3

The only thing I've read so far is the FF 532 as it filled in a story blank for me.
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Post by Eternal Padawan »

It's a slow week coming up. Jan 5th.

Infinite Crisis Day Of Vengeance Special
Teen Titans
Supreme Power: Nighthawk
Iron Man ( Only because its such a small week. I'm gonna finish off the story arc)
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Post by jjreason »

Yeah, no Spidey this week I don't think - but looking at the Marvel website, next week looks pretty busy.
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Post by jjreason »

All I bought this week was 198 part 1. Yet another x limited series that might make interesting reading in one of the main books - but then that would break Marvel's strict X-Code, wouldn't it?
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Post by Eternal Padawan »

Another light week.

Ghost Rider 5. Beautiful art. So-so story.
GIJoe 7. Cool cliffhanger, even if we know Snakes isn't dead.
Exiles 75. Exiles invade the 2099 Universe! This gimmick is kinda tired already. I have feelings of dropping this one.
JLA 124. Getting close to wrapping the series up. Kind of a weak final arc for the book, but I guess thats why its getting cancelled.
She-Hulk 4. My last issue. Scott Kolins art blows. And its not as funny as it was the first time around.
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Post by Diabolical »

Fairly recent purchases:
Star Wars: Republic #82 - hoping #81 gets released soon...
Batman & Robin #3 - Wishing this would get released more quickly.
Punisher #29 - I can't get enough of that gun-toting vigilatne!
Spidey/Black Cat #5 - missed #4 dammit.
Star Wars: Purge - Good to actually see armored Vader kill some Jedi.
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Post by jjreason »

Sounds like I should check out Purge. I've also got to get that Vader novel that people are on about right now, but I haven't seen it around yet.
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Post by jjreason »

Tried to pick up my books for Jan 18th, but they weren't pulled yet. I did manage to get my copy of MK Spidey 22 (The Other part 11 of 12), and a few back issues:

Spectacular Spider Man (vol 2) 25, 26, 27
Squadron Supreme: Nighthawk 1-5
Squadron Supreme: Hyperion 1-4

So that set me back a buck or two, and there are still a few new books from this week that I'll have to get later.
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Post by Eternal Padawan »

For the week of Jan 18th I got

Flash 230. Final Issue of the series.

Transformers: Infiltration 1. A good beginning. I like the building up of things as long as it doesn't take too long.

F.N. Spidey and MK Spidey. Continuing the shittiest Spider-Man crossover since the clone debacle. Gods this story line sucks. Between this crap and the new fugly Spider Armor, I'm about to drop Marvel's flagship character. What a shitfest.

All Star Superman 2. This book is awesome in the way the Frank Miller Batman book sucks. It's like quintessential Superman reading. And Quitely draws quite a tasty Lois Lane. Definite must read list material.
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Post by jjreason »

I like Frank Quitely's art. I'll check and see if I can't pick up the first couple of issues of All Star Superman as I didn't know until now he was drawing it.

Flash is over eh? Will they relaunch soon, or will he be like Thor: a top-flight character with no monthly pamphlet?
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Post by Diabolical »

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Eternal Padawan</i>
<br />All Star Superman 2. This book is awesome in the way the Frank Miller Batman book sucks.<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">That's crazy. All Star Batman is awesome.

I picked up Republic #81 - nice to see how this story started.
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Post by jjreason »

I got Superman 2 today on EPs recommendation - #1 was long gone.

Other new books purchased:

FN SPidey 4
Hulk 91
Planetary 24
Uncanny 468
Spider Woman Origin 2

I'm now WAY behind on reading again and will pretty much have to take a couple of nights off dicking around on the computer to catch up.
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Post by Eternal Padawan »

Flash relaunchees in a few months. As part of their Infinte Crisis/One Year Later mega crossover/relaunch DC is axing a TON of books. Some are because of low sales, others because of the storyline, or both.

Wonder Woman, Flash, JLA, GothamKnights, Batgirl, Batman:LOTDK, Superman are among those getting cut. Hawkman is getting turned into Hawkgirl. Aquaman is getting a revamp. Adventures of Superman gets retitled back to simply Superman. Eventually Flash, Wonder Woman and JLA are getting new series, but its kind of up in the air as to who Flash and WW will be. JLA is gonna be written by Brad "Identity Crisis" Metzer so thats cool.
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Post by Eternal Padawan »

1/25/06 was a fairly big week for me. Almost $40.

Amazing Spidey 528. Limp, flacid ending to "The Other". How do you make Spidey suck eggs? Take one crappy idea. Mix generously with three ongoing series. A sprinkle of suck and a touch of crap for flavor. Then bake at 500 degrees for four months. Voila.

N'Avengers 15. The press conference issue. Where they introduce the new lineup. The Avengers is famous for them. Bendis turns this one on its ear.

Batman 649. Jason Todd vs Batman. Some good confrontational lines, but I still think everyone is not thinking big enough in terms of what having JT back means. But it all gets interupted by the Infinite Crisis crossover at the end anyway. Stupid crossovers. How do you keep track?

Catwoman 51. I have no idea whats going on this book, but Adam Hughes drawing Catwoman with moist heaving cleavage somehow worked its way into my buy list.

Daredevil 81/461. Bendis ends his run. Matt Murdock is in prison. I think in the annals of comic book lore, Frank Miller will be a footnote in the Daredevil mythology, and this will be the run everyone talks about. Four years and 50+ issues. I am going to go back and reread it from start to finish. So should you.

Exiles 76. In an interesting move Miguel O'Hara AKA Spider-Man 2099 joins the Exiles. Sweet.

Green Lantern Corps:Recharge 4. This series had promise and I love Guy Gardner, but I don't think I will be getting the ongoing.

Infinite Crisis 4. I'll talk aboutthis one in the DCU topic.

Wonder Woman 225. Second to last issue. The DC titles are dropping like flies.

Wolverine 38. So the answer to how Logan escaped the Weapon X program is....Evil Bucky ( from the new Captain America stroy arc) busted him out. Uhmmm..okay.

X-Men Deadly Genesis 3. A beautiful cover by Silvestri. I think it will go down as one of the classic covers. And the story moves right along. More in the X-topic.

And also Wizard magazine. Whew. Thats more than I've bought in the previous three weeks combined it feels like.
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Post by vynsane »

my list this week (now that i'm able to pick up my books on almost a weekly basis...)

ASM #528: i disagree with the honorable delegate from Padawania, because i thought "the other" was very intriguing. other than the "stingers" (meh...) i think it makes a lot of sense for these other abilities to have been dormant and then activated by the trauma that pete went through. more discussion of this one over at!

B.P.R.D. The Black Flame #6: hellboy and BPRD rock ass.

Spider-man and Black Cat: The Evil that Men Do #6: HOLY SHIT!!!! it's actually over! a classic Spidey villain is reborn, and some surprising revelations about felicia's past...

DD # 81: haven't read it yet...

The Pulse #13: ditto...

The Savage Dragon #122: am i the only one in the galaxy reading this? haven't read it yet, though...

All-Star Superman #1,2: not yet...

Spider-man loves Mary Jane #2: trying to get some books the missus might enjoy!

while i'm here, i might as well list what i got last week...

Spider-man loves Mary Jane #1

Marvel Zombies #2: kirkman writes the continuation of the alternate universe from ultimate fantastic four's story "crossover" and hilarity and gruesomeness continue!

Ex Machina #17: you must read this book!

Ultimate Extinction #1: the Ultimate Galactus cometh!

UFF #26: conclusion of Ultimate Namor... he's badass.

DD #80: why'd bendis/maleev go for one more?

Fables #45: another book you must read!

B.P.R.D. The Black Flame #5: awesome...

MK Ghost Rider #5: incredible!

Shanna the She-devil Premiere Edition HC: Frank Cho can draw chicks better than anyone has the right to... and the story is really great, too!
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